其实站长很久之前就知道这个开源 WPF 控件库了,只是一直欣赏不了这种风格,但也 star 了该项目。每次浏览该仓库时,发现 star 越来越多,也看到很多网友对它的褒奖,所以今天就向大家推荐这款 WPF 控件库。
1. 具体有多优秀,看仓库截图吧:
Github 上的 MahApps.Metro 仓库截图
目前支持.NET Framework (4.5+) 和 .NET Core (3.0 and 3.1)。
开源协议基于 MIT:
MIT 是和 BSD 一样宽松的许可协议,作者只想保留版权,而无任何其他了限制.也就是说,你必须在你的发行版里包含原许可协议的声明,无论你是以二进制发布的还是以源代码发布的。
- 你可以使用,复制和修改软件
- 你可以免费使用软件或出售
- 唯一的限制是,它是必须附有 MIT 授权协议
2. 一个优秀的开源项目,其中看项目参与人员数量就可见一斑:
3. 基于该控件库的项目一览
- Azuser by @Inzanit Azure SQL Server User Management
- Carnac by @Code52 the Magnificent Keyboard Utility
- Certify The Web by @webprofusion The GUI to manage free certificates from Let's Encrypt
- Chocolatey GUI Chocolatey GUI is a user interface for Chocolatey (a Machine Package Manager for Windows)
- CodeTrack by Nico Van Goethem CodeTrack is a versatile profiler with some extra tricks up its sleeve.
- Espera by @flagbug
- FolderSecurityViewer Easy to use NTFS permissions reporter to get all effective security owners of your data
- Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker by @Epix37 HDT is an automatic deck tracker and manager for Hearthstone
- Markdown Edit by @mike-ward A full-featured Markdown editor for Windows with an emphasis on content and keyboard shortcuts
- Markdown Monster by @RickStrahl An extensible Markdown Editor, Viewer and Weblog Publisher for Windows
- MarkPad by @Code52 a visual Markdown editor
- Modern UI for WPF (MUI) Inspired by MahApps.Metro
- myEcho iOS Dictation for Windows
- NETworkManager by @BornToBeRoot A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!
- Papercut by @Jaben Simple Desktop SMTP Server / Email Receiver
- SimpleMP by @punker76 Simple Music Player - SimpleMP - Keeps it simple and plays your music
- Solutionizer by @thoemmi Creating ad-hoc solutions for Visual Studio
- WinReform by @AKruimink A simple tool to help resize and relocate stubborn windows.
- Xamarin Inspector Visualize and debug your live app
- Xamarin Workbooks Workbooks is an interactive programming environment that’s perfect for experimentation, learning, and documentation: an educational tool for learning the myriad of .NET platforms, APIs, and libraries. Source
4. 控件部分效果图
后面有 WPF 相关的项目,或者站长自己的开源项目,站长决定加入这款控件尝试下,这么多人用,肯定不错的。
- 仓库地址:MahApps.Metro